Monday, February 25, 2013


Guangzhou has been a delight. As is our guide Ms. Grace. She is probably only 90 lbs soaking wet but is a tour de force. She has set our mind at ease with some of the final steps regarding the sacred paperwork we ...okay, I have been fretting over for weeks. I should not jinx it for we have our consulate appointment tomorrow. I have already laid out my clothes and Myla's.
We will have one more day in Guangzhou then off to Hong Kong. But before I fast forward let's recap the past couple of days.

My cold is winning so today I slept when Myla did.  Myla is winning against her cold. While we had her standard medical check up the other day Grace hunted down a physician whom prescribed Myla amoxicillin.

We have gone on two field trips with our guide Grace thus far. Did I mention how much we like her? She is spunky, kind and extremely knowledgable.

Our hotel is located on Shamian island. There is definitely a European influence (British I believe) with the architecture and cobblestone streets. The past few days there was a market with local artisans, students I believe, and it was fun too look at their goods. Many talented artists had there wares for sale and we purchased a few things including interpretive drawings of the Spring Festival festivities.  In other shops I procured a few traditional dresses for Myla.

Today were the excursions with Grace. First we went to the Yuntai Garden.  This is Guangzhou's third tulip festival as well. It was interesting for there was a very Holland theme to it. Nonetheless beautiful. We thought of you Steph and Gretchen and of course took lots of pictures. In addition to the beautiful tulips, I loved the orchids. The orchids I have had in the past never looked like these!
After the gardens we went to the Guangdong Folk Art Museum also known as the Chen Ancestrial Hall. The architectural decorations here include wood carvings, brick carvings, stone carvings, ceramic sculptures, lime sculptures, iron castings and paintings. All beautiful in thier own right with delicate, impressive and skilled detail.

Then we headed towards the 1400 meter shopping row but Myla had had enough and we went back to the hotel for a bit.  We ended the evening at a restaurant near the water. It was quite good and the atmosphere lovely with trees strung with colored lights.

Tomorrow again is our consulate appointment ( 7:40 ) I hope it goes smoothly.

Again, thank you for your prayers and well wishes.



  1. I guess Myla isn't going to be my new shopping buddy. Don't worry I will build up her stamina.
    Dad and I will be thinking of the three of you at 7:30, as soon as I figure out what time that is here. Hope Myla & you are feeling better. All our love & prayers until we see you Thursday.
    Mom & Dad

  2. Hello! I ave finally read through all your posts and I am brimming with tears of excitement, joy and happiness for you all! Myla is so beautiful. Your pictures are amazing. I am so happy you are with Myla. Many blessings to you all. Safe travels!
    Ann Gale

  3. The gardens are spectacular. Thrilled to see the family photo - Love! Love! Love it!
