Thursday, June 13, 2013

Myla's Palate Surgery: part two

This is definitely the harder of her last two surgeries. But first of all, everything went well. Her hearing is good!
The surgeon was pleased with how her palate repair went as well.

Now we have been in her room for four hours. Effects of anesthesia and pain have made it hard for her to relax and sleep. She gets a couple minutes of sleep/whimpering then will cry and flail for awhile. This is the cycle we are in right now. The nurses have shared with us that most kids are groggy and Myla. It is hard to help her through this but I know it is even harder on her.

She did drink a few ounces of her bottle which is good news. However is refusing more. She may need a new IV. Her old one got a clot in it so they wanted us to see if the bottle route would work well enough.

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