Again, I have let too much time pass between blogs! I promise to be better...really.
Oh and Happy Chinese New Year!
Perhaps the title should be three firsts and a second.
So what do I mean by this silly cryptic title?
We celebrated our first Christmas as a family, our first birthday with Myla which she turned two!
I cannot believe how fast she is growing and changing as a person.
It was tricky trying to find a way to have her expereince Christmas and the true meaning inspite of the present palooza and celebrating her birth as well.
We spent Christmas eve at my in-laws with cousins and she had a blast. She got the hang of opening those shiny packages but got bored with it eventually yet enjoyed mostly watching everyone else and playing with her cousins.
Christmas Day began with her birthday celebration with just the three of us. We taped streamers outside her door and I made a pennant hung outside her room. She seemed excited but did not know what for (the streamers stayed for weeks)
We had a birthday breakfast complete with waffles and straweberries. We then moved onto gift opening. We pruchased for her a toy kitchen from IKEA and then placed other presents on top to disguise it a bit. She promptly moved the presents out her way without opening any so she could get to that kitchen! We are hoping to have a little chef on our hands being the foodies we are. Perhaps it is too soon to dream of crepes and french toast? Eh?
Later that day we headed to my side of the family and Myla enjoyed her new shopping cart courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa P. My mom thoughtfully bought a doll remsembling what she called mini Myla but everytime we tried to put her in the shopping cart she promptly removed her and put her stuffed animal puppy in instead. Got to love that girl. Puppies are awesome.
A special first Chritmas.
The more I think maybe the title should be two firsts and second celebrating two times. No, too confusing.
We celebrated with family (her birthday) once at Cheeky Monkey... a tasty breakfast place (bistro by night...their words)for eggs, pancakes and later another celebration with the cousins. Jared and I got a bit carried away making fruit spring rolls and potstickers from scratch but the tastiness expereince was well worth it. We made smoothies for dessert (Myla's fav)and Grandma Mickie delievered on another favorite: Egg Foo Young!
Much to celebrate and thankful for those we have in our lives to celebrate with.
But I am also glad before the craziness ensued I had time for reflection. But it is not as if I made time, it came over me like a tidal wave off and on for days.
I thought about our first Christmas without our sweet puppy Spunkers and all the Christmas celebrations we had with her. Bittersweet.
I thought a lot about Myla's birth mother and the women who cared for her the first thirteen months of her life.
The tears were plenty. How I wished for even a moment I could speak to them and say thank you. Thank you for giving her life, thank for caring for her. That she is a gift to us and is doing well...thriving with her curious and tenacious sprirt.
So much has hapened this last year. How can I put it all into words? Well that is part two of this post. But don't be suprised if there is a post of another color in between. I have alot on my mind these days. Ever seen Best Exotic Marigold Hotel? Foreshadowing of next post or post to come perhaps...
Until then, Take Care. Hug someone you think needs it. Live big. Eat chocolate.
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