Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oh, Sweet Summer...Goodbye Wicked Winter

Grass is green? Check. Temperature has reached above 60? Check. Humidity? Oh yeah and yuk. Crab Apples bloomed? Check.
Ahhhh. Thank you summer for finally arriving.

This declaration of gratitude comes for many reasons. A long winter. Lots of snow shoveling. And mostly because of the germ friends we made and wish we hadn't. Let me see if I can get this out in one breath or typing frenzy:
Sinus infections, Pnuemonia, Pnuemonia (Yep, that was twice on purpose) mutant respitory infections (A few were scary), sore throats, mutiple fevers, vomiting and drum roll please MONO! And we are only a family of three. You could say we perservered, built up our immunity learned the beautiful art of sharing. But really glass half full? Not applicable. Just glad we survived.

Who had mono? Ah,that would be me. My nickname became miss mono mama. Getting mono as an adult is no joke. There are no words... tonsils the size of golf balls. Searing throat pain,no sleep (nope I just was tired...pain did not let me sleep) and completely becoming a waste of space. Oh and the jokes. Those were awesome. Isn't that the kissing disease...snicker, snicker. Hee hee, ehemm. I think I would pay someone a hundred bucks to not hear that one e-v-e-r a-g-a-i-n. Just to be clear and defend my honor most people exposed to the EB virus don't get mono or are asymptamatic. It is just us run down, step throat individuals who can catch it; even by sipping on the same can of diet coke. I was told less than 3% of adults have a chance of getting it. Boy did I feel special to fall into those odds like a large heavy boulder. So s-p-e-c-i-a-l. That's me. Those of you who know me... it is safe to be around me now. :)

After all this whinning and sarcasm I hope you are not completely annoyed. I certainly learned a few things or had them come fuller to light.
Though our bodies are amazing things, we need to be kind to them. I needed to be kinder to mine. Yes, go to bed at 8:30 once and awhile. Lame but so effective. Drink a heck of lot of water all the time. While sick, I read about how this one thing prevents so much and helps your body heal. I read about re-wiring my diet. My husband has always been a healthy eater. I make sure Myla consumes healthy nutritonally dense foods. I need to do so too. Having just coffee and waiting till 2:00 in the afternoon to eat is just plain dumb. I have been a dumby.

Being healthy is a beautiful thing. After a season of so much sickness and watching my daughter struggle because of her anatomy (she was born with cleft lip/palate and has serious sinus issues) I am more detemined to feed her what she needs to fight off germs and have a strong immune system.
I need to become a good example of healthy eating for her, for me. And having the good health to enjoy the moments and minutes and years to come with my husband and beautiful daughter. And if recreating how I eat and take of myself gives me that? How can I not try? It would be a shame if I didn't. Wish me luck. Cause I have bad habits. And I am stubborn. :)

Wishing you warm summer days and healthy ones at that.

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