Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Snow, Snow, Snow...

Snow, Snow, Snow...

Snow...It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow
Snow...I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with snow

I would like to replace those three words with Bugger, bugger, bugger. I have been watching to much of BBC shows. Can you tell?
Hopefully in my arrogrance I have not typed extrememly profane words on my blog forever archived by the library of congress.

But I thought it appropriate in this moment to quote that lovely song from White Christmas.
Can you beleive I made it through most of my life without seeing it? Well until my husband changed that. He was horrfied when I told him this once upon a time.
It is not that I despise winter, well by February I kind of do. It is more about getting around and shoveling. But I suppose I should be thankful for the car I have in which to get around and the health to shovel. It is pretty to see the streets after a new snowfall with that sparkle. I love visitng my friends home this time of year... I call it the Chritmas house (That is a nod to your decorating prowess S and G) And yes I do love Christmas lights and decorations; oh and snuggling in with a warm blanket. Let's not forget I do love wearing mittens. I don't know exactly why but I do....

Okay. Eh hm. And that five minutes have now passed.

Is it too early to dream of spring: peonies, thunderstorms, and birds chirping?

1 comment:

  1. Carrie - I have been thinking about you and hoping your first Christmas as a mom has been truly wonderful!
