Myla just was taken back to the OR to begin her palate surgery. She will also be undergoing a hearing test today.
She had a good time in the play area and was having a blast in pre-surgery, especially when one of the family care staff was blowing bubbles at her. Myla was chasing them and smiling her sweet smile. And then came...the tears. In her exuberant delight while trying to get out a toy car she took a spill. Bloody lip/nose and lots of tears. We felt horrible. Of all the times for this to happen. We were able to calm her down all the while three nurses and the anesthesiologist came in to examine it. We felt like we had quite the audience for a bad parenting moment. Sigh.
Poor Miss Myla. It did not help that I shouted Jared's name as it happened in alarm for everyone to hear. Sorry honey.
Below is a quick summary of how a palate repair works. The information is taken from a blog of another mom who has two kids go through this surgery before...
"In non-technical terms, to fix a cleft palate the surgeon takes/detaches the muscle and tissue from around the cleft and attaches it over the cleft. There are arteries running in this area, allowing the newly placed tissue to thrive and grow. Once the materials are moved, there looks almost like channels in the area the tissue was taken from. Amazingly, this tissue grows back."
Stay tuned for more updates...hopefully I will be able to post again this afternoon.

I'm not sure how I feel about this
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