Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Oh My Little Green Monster

Last night we heard what we thought was Myla cough and move about on the baby monitor.
At first we thought it was nothing out of the ordinary but then I pondered gee,the cough sounded a little hard for just a cough. Then the crying began and I came in to her room rub her back. I was assuming or hoping she would go back to sleep.
It was then I got greeted by the a little green monster.
I was pretty sure Myla had not given herself an avocado and black bean facial...Unfortunately, she had thrown up and every inch of her face to the point she had trouble open those thick beautiful lashes. Then out of my mouth came pouring, terms of endearment and sympathy. Honey biscuit, darling, sweetums..words that normally and name creations that you would not hear coming from me....I/we felt awful for her. She kept reaching for me and I let her hold on and snuggle in while I started to assess best clean up method. Of course it would be inevitable that I would get a little woofed cookies on me anyway. Little did I know it was a moment of foreshadowing.

I brought her in the bathroom and called for Jared. We began the clean up process.
After awhile we took her back to her room cleaned and changed. All the while yelling at the dog not to help. Jared scrubbed the carpet. She looked so tired and we decided to put her back in her crib. Um, yeah.

She threw up again and when I thought she was done I pulled her out and yep you guessed it...all over the carpet until I was able to put a towel under her. The after waiting 20 minutes, and re-pj'd, mom picks her up to walk and hold her and...yup you guessed last spew all over me. Sigh. But after this instance she returned a bit back to normal as if saying: I am okay, even a little happy, but oh soooo tired and a little..what the Holy Biscuts just happened to me. Then filled her pants and more mini upchuck. Gotta end with a bang, right?
And we were relieved. But still worried. So I slept in her room that night. And she smooshed her little body against the crib closet to where I lay. And I talked to her until she feel asleep.

And I slept, one eye opened two ears turned up. My friend said it sounded as if Myla was initiating you...or even hazing. Hmmm, did we make the cut?

Damage Summary...
One crib sheet
Two blankets
Moms shirt
One towel
One roll of paper towels
3 Myla outfits
Funky smelling carpet
Three turned stomachs

But I am so glad she seems better today. And I promise this will be the first, the last, the only blog in which I discuss poop and puke. I will try to be more sophisticated and thought provoking next time.


  1. Oh, sorry to hear! :( Welcome to Parenthood...I usually have Luke deal with that part and I take care of clean-up. But then again, Jared and I, have seemed similar before.

  2. =( So sorry to hear that. Those nights are never fun. We have a carpet cleaner if you would like to borrow it. Hopefully today is going better!
